Word with Rajive Dhavn

Ep # 18: Will ChatGPT take away your job?

Rajive Dhavan Season 1 Episode 18

Hello! and welcome back to yet another episode of my podcast. In today's episode, let's talk about the phenomenon called ChatGPT. Will it impact your job? If yes, how? What should you do to secure your job? Also, what's the future of AI & ML? So, let's dive in to find out.
 It's time to have a word with me, Rajive Dhavan. 
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Rajive Dhavn

Hello, and welcome to yet another episode of my podcast. Last week, the world was hit by a storm, and no, I'm not talking about the layoffs. Well, layoffs also could be one of the reasons, but the one that I am talking about is the tool by OpenAI called ChatGPT. The big Million-dollar, rather Billion-dollar question is, will ChatGPT replace your job?

So it's time to have a word with me. Rajive Dhavan. See you on the other side of the intro Music.

In today's episode, we'll talk about some big questions. Number one. What is ChatGPT? Number two. Will ChatGPT replace you? Number three. What are the limitations of tools like ChatGPT and other AI tools? Number four. Where are we headed in terms of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning taking the world over? And number five. What can you do to keep up your jobs slightly more secure?

With this, let's begin the episode. What is ChatGPT? Well, ChatGPT is a prototype that was launched on the 30th of November, 2022, and it quickly garnered a lot of attention for its detailed and accurate responses. The tool was developed by a company called OpenAI, which has also developed other such tools. 

This chatbot uses artificial intelligence and machine learning programs to give you answers, very natural answers to whatever question you are asking. So it is probably the beginning of a new era. One of the biggest limitations all these years of all sorts of AI tools and bots was they sounded and seemed very unhuman, which is not human-like.

But this tool addressed the biggest issue ever and sounded more natural and a lot more detailed when a question was keyed in. For those who want to get some more in-depth understanding of this tool, there's also an aspect called NLP, which is Neuro-Linguistic Program, which is also used by this bot to make it sound different from other bots and make it sound more natural and human-like.

So this is almost like artificial intelligence becoming real. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine what it could do and how it could change the world forever in just a few months from now. Now with the limited time that people had to use the prototype of ChatGPT, there were a lot of uncommon use cases that were generated.

Here are a few examples that I want to share with you. Uh, one of the things that people tried doing was asking the pot to write a very natural sounding 50 pages of a movie script, and it did. In just a few minutes, when professionals read the script, they were zonked to know that this bot could actually write something so natural sounding, so free-flowing, so human-like, so quick.

Apart from ChatG P T, the parent company, OpenAI, also has other products which have been around for a while now. These are products like Dull-E and Point-E. Point-E, for instance, can create highly complicated 3D images of whatever the user wants. And as always, all this in just a few minutes. ChatGPT, on the other side, gave great localized Recipes to Excel hacks, to creating resumes, to creating content marketing material, blog posts, social media content, and so much more in just a few minutes.

So imagine where we are headed. Well, we are certainly headed towards a world that will be dominated by artificial intelligence and machine learning. The drawback to ChatGPT is that it can only manage to use the information that it has been fed. But we also need to understand that this is the biggest strength of chat g.

And why am I saying that? Because just look at this simple example. When people continue looking for more information and sharing feedback over a period of time, this tool has the capability to become more and more powerful and more and more accurate. So like any human being, the tool needs the experience to improve.

We are not years away from a revolution. We are only a few months away from a big revolution. In a situation and a world where Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are so dominant, the next wave will be of people who can use such tools to the best of their advantage. So you will not be replaced by an AI tool, but in my understanding, you will be replaced by the ones who know to work with these tools better.

The world is evolving at a faster pace than ever. So if you don't upskill, you are likely to perish. Well, I don't wish to create any controversy, but one cannot ignore the fact that Microsoft last week announced that it is investing 10 Billion Dollars in ChatGPT. Then they also announced another unrelated news, or rather related; we'll need to find out, which is that they're laying.

Around 10,000 people from their workforce. Now, there are two ways of looking at these two pieces of information. The first one is, They could be connected where the company understands that perhaps jobs like testing and a lot of other smaller tasks can be easily automated with very less human intervention using these AI tools.

The second way of looking at this is in most companies, not all calls are taken by one person. There are different teams that handle different depart. So the Mergers and Acquisition teams would be working on the stake buy for the last few months or even longer. On the other hand, the HR, Finance and Capacity Planning teams could be working on reducing costs and would've decided to lay off 10,000 people in the wake of weak market queues, higher interest rates, inflation and a recession.

Unfortunately, both these teams broke the news in quick succession. While we can't be sure of the exact reason, the teams sure had to discuss this internally and release their respective news with some gap, at least. The timing of both these pieces of news is certainly questionable, and this timing has led a lot of people to believe that AI is the reason why Microsoft is laying off 10,000 people.

And AI will cut down a lot of jobs in the future. So only the top management of Microsoft knows why exactly they decided to release this information out to the public, back to back? Do they have something in common? Is there something that we need to read into? Is there a fine print hidden somewhere?

Well, we can't be a hundred per cent sure of that, but the fact that AI will take away a lot of jobs cannot be negated. Now for those who are overly worried about the situation building up, let me just tell you a few things. 

Number one, don't take up too much load with all the news that's circulating around. Number two, try to again, focus on your skill and continue upskilling yourself. Try to understand how you can utilize these tools better and how you can work in tandem with these tools that will come up today, tomorrow, or maybe a few months down the line. Because all said and done, these tools do have their share of limitations, and those limitations will continue to be around for some time, and they include empathy, compassion, and leadership. 

On the face of it, I personally feel that the tools will be able to understand these emotions also sooner than we think, but then there is still some time to go. So build onto your skillset. And focus more on understanding how you can be an asset to your company to keep your job a little more secure, for time to come.

With this, we come to the end of this episode. As always, I hope you liked the piece of content, and if you did, please share. Please subscribe to the channel. Please spread the word so I can reach out to more people. Until next time. Thank you.

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